Thank you Deena and Tybie, our wonderful volunteers!

This monthly newsletter wouldn’t be complete without highlighting our two Friends ‘N Fun staff Teen staff, Tybie Jaffa and Deena Sherman! From playing arcade games at Dave & Buster’s and running the photo booth with friends at the Sha’arim + Gateways Auction, to cupcake baking, pottery making and more; Tybie and Deena have been a part of it all! Their gentle and cheerful personalities were a perfect match for our excited group of teens, creating a wonderful balance at each event so friendship could form and fun could happen. Always willing to lend a helping hand and be part of events, they have been wonderful role models this past year. Mazel Tov to Tybie and Deena on their graduation from high school! Friends ‘N Fun will miss you both and are excited to hear about your new adventures in Israel!