Darkaynu – 2020

There isn’t anything that can stop our Darkaynu program! Although we have not been able to meet in person, our weekly zoom meetings have still been a fun and interactive way to connect with each other in a positive and meaningful way. With music sessions, game nights, cooking tutorials, and some fun and entertaining guest performers, the participants are engaged and excited each week! We eagerly look forward to Wednesday evenings as Darkaynu night!

Our collaborative J-Hap holiday programming is going strong even in the face of covid-19! We had a fun and stimulating virtual program, with participants learning and experiencing the upcoming Jewish holidays. With a personal package delivered to each participant beforehand, everyone was able to participate in the exciting activities that were planned. We loved the holiday themed refreshments, interactive games, and activities as we prepared  for the holidays. The fun evening was enjoyed by all! We look forward to the next J-Hap holiday program coming up (before you know it!) for Chanukah.

We miss all of our friends at Friends N’ Fun! We wish we can be together sharing exciting outings and fun activities, and we are hopeful and look forward to seeing each other soon for Friends N’ Fun once again!