Author Archive

Parent Pathfinder: Mental Health in the Mishpacha

We were happy to welcome back Dr. Joshua Stein, MD for the second session in his series on Mental Health in children and teens. Dr. Stein helped parents, teachers, and healthcare professionals understand the current access points into the mental health care system and different levels of care available for…

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Sha’arim + Gateways Annual Auction is NOW!

The Sha’arim + Gateways Annual Auction is just over a week away and this year we’re celebrating 25 years of disability inclusion in the Twin Cities Jewish community! You have five days left to buy your tickets in advance, so head over to and get your tickets NOW!  Join…

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Auction is here – Save the Date!

The Sha’arim + Gateways Annual Auction is BACK! Join us on Sunday, January 7th to celebrate 25 years of disability inclusion in the Twin Cities Jewish community. We’re so excited to share this milestone with our community. It’s going to be a spectacular night of fun, delicious food, and incredible…

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