Author Archive

Parent Pathfinder: Rabbi Dr. Yosef Shagalow

Technology can be really tough to navigate. Thank you to Rabbi Dr. Yosef Shagalow for sharing some necessary and meaningful information about the ways in which technology can be both a gift and a challenge. Parents and community members walked away from the session armed with practical strategies for helping…

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Adult Friends ‘N Fun: Pinstripes

As the days get longer, it’s been nice to be out and about. Adult Friends ‘N Fun headed over to Pinstripes to enjoy a fun night of bowling together! It’s always a great time to get together with friends! If you are interested in learning more about Adult Friends ‘N…

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Gateways Vocational Training at Liberty Diversified International

As participants in our Vocational Training Program, Sascha and Shaina are doing part of their training at Liberty Diversified International every week! Some of their training projects include assembling fabric swatches, organization, labeling, and helping to keep LDI’s space clean. There projects allow trainees to work on individual goals and…

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