Posts tagged with “teens”

Pottery Party with FNF Teens!

It’s a Pottery Party!! Friends ‘N Fun Teens celebrated the end of the school year by getting creative with clay. They enjoyed playing with some free form artistic expression at Cry Baby Clay. It was so fun to watch everyone create something uniquely and beautifully their own. We’re going to…

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NCSY Volunteer Event

Sha’arim + Gateways is our name, inclusion is our hope for the world. It brings us the greatest joy to see teens from our Jewish community getting involved in our work! Thank you to the incredible teens of NCSY for spending an evening in April volunteering to help us prepare…

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Teen FNF – Bake & Decorate

Friends ‘N Fun Teens came together in April for a Bake & Decorate event. Led by pastry chef extraordinaire Elisheva’s Bakery, everyone got to make cupcakes from scratch using a top secret recipe and then decorate them beautifully. We can confidently say they were gorgeous and delicious! We had a…

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