Posts tagged with “Jewish Holidays”

Pesach @ J-HAP

A double J-HAP month is a great month indeed! We were back to celebrate Pesach with Cornerstone Creek residents and Darkaynu Participants. Shana Eisenberg led a wonderful performance of Passover related songs, and afterwards we talked about the story of Passover and the beginning of the Jewish nation. We all…

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Purim @ J-HAP

There’s no better way to celebrate a holiday than to do it with J-HAP and Cornerstone Creek residents. Our Purim festivities were a blast! Purim is a holiday of joy, and we could not stop smiling. There were a plethora of fun activities to try including, mask decorating, hamantaschen baking,…

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Tu B’shvat at Chabad U of M

We joined the students at Chabad U of M for our first collaborative event in February. We enjoyed a fun Tu B’Shvat program, planted succulents, enjoyed delicious snacks and had a chance to meet some fun new friends! We’re looking forward to spending more time together in the future. 

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