Posts tagged with “disability”

End of School Year FNF Family Dinner Event

We held our first ever “end of year” Family Friends ‘N Fun celebration in May and it was a blast! It was so nice to come together and celebrate the end of the year together with friends and family. Everyone enjoyed a fun and engaging science project led by Science…

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J-HAP partnership

Disability inclusion takes a village and we are so grateful for ours. Sha’arim + Gateways has been partnering with Jewish Housing and Programming (J-HAP) since its inception. Our Executive Director, Chana Shagalow, served as a founding member of the J-HAP board from 2007-2016 and when Cornerstone Creek opened in 2017,…

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Darkaynu participants met some fun new performers in April! Everyone enjoyed the musical stylings of Mr Shabbos, a new performer joining us remotely from the East Coast. One of the reasons we have kept the weekly Darkaynu gatherings virtual is for fun moments like this, where we can invite performers…

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