Category “Vocational Training”

New Partnership with JBeginnings

NEW GATEWAYS PARTNER ALERT! We love new partners! Gateways Vocational Training has been working on a new partnership with Chabad of Uptown’s JBeginnings Preschool. Together we have developed a beautiful new JBeginnings garden! Gateways Trainee, Mark, has been training on site to work on the new garden alongside the students….

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New Partnership with the JCC

New Voc partner alert!! We’re thrilled to announce our newest Vocational Training partner, the Sabes Jewish Community Center! Gateways Vocational Trainees have begun to train on multiple projects in collaboration and we are excited to grow the partnership. We’re excited to see the Gateways Vocational Training Program continue to grow! 

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Avi’s First Day at Minneapolis Jewish Federation

New Partnership Alert!!!! Welcome to our newest partner site, Minneapolis Jewish Federation! This month, Avi, a Gateways Vocational Program Trainee, began his training at Minneapolis Jewish Federation! He got to tour the office, meet the MJF team, and get started with tasks he’ll be working on. Thank you to our…

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