Category “Friends ‘N Fun”

Adult FNF: Dave & Busters

The Adult Friends ‘N Fun crew got together for an awesome evening at Dave & Buster’s! Everyone had an absolute blast playing all the different arcade games. We shared tons of laughs, some friendly competition, and maybe a few epic wins (and losses)! 

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Family Challah Bake

Our annual Friends ‘N Fun Family Challah bake was a huge hit! It truly filled our hearts to see so many wonderful families come together to share in the special mitzvah of making challah. The event brought together families affected by disabilities and families from the broader community to enjoy…

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Teen Club: Pizza Party

Teen Club this month was an absolute blast! We kicked things off by making some super delicious pizzas from scratch. Afterward, we had a great time playing some fun and challenging games, with lots of laughs and friendly competition. It was such a great time connecting with both new faces…

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