
Informal Adult Education

Discover the transformative power of the Darkaynu program! The Darkaynu program is committed to providing a Jewish education and community experience for children and adults who may not attend mainstream schools. Our goal is to create a rich and meaningful Jewish education for each person according to their own way of learning and engaging. Hence, Darkaynu- Our Way.

The Darkaynu program has blossomed into a wonderful resource for disability inclusion in our community. Darkaynu embraces individuals of all abilities. What began with simple classes for youth and adults with disabilities, has become a variety of enriching opportunities across Jewish life. From specialized and inclusive educational programs to meaningful social activities and engaging Jewish holiday events for adults, Darkaynu supports every aspect of inclusion. Plus, we provide training for community facilitators to help create welcoming and inclusive events. Join us in making our community a place where everyone belongs!

The Darkaynu Program Includes:

  • Modified and supported Jewish educational experiences within the mainstream
  • Informal Jewish Education for adults 
  • Ease of access, virtual options
  • Multi-sensory learning opportunities
  • Social events with an emphasis on practicing social skills
  • Meaningful inclusion within the Jewish community

Join Darkaynu today